What happens to stock market in hyperinflation

By: musicofil Date of post: 09.06.2017

Hyperinflation in Venezuela has been spiraling out of control as reports are beginning to surface that the government has given secret permission to Ford to begin selling vehicles in the country for US Dollars.

Gold vs Stocks During Hyperinflation | National Inflation Association

In , automobile production in Venezuela collapsed by In August , Venezuelan hyperinflation began to spiral out of control. Since then, despite the official government rate remaining at 6.

what happens to stock market in hyperinflation

Since , the Venezuelan Bolivar has lost On average, the Bolivar has lost Over the last 12 months, the Bolivar has lost a record The price of gold has increased from Bolivars in to a record , Bolivars today. On average since , gold priced in Bolivars has increased by Over the last 12 months, gold priced in Bolivars has increased by a record The Venezuelan Stock Exchange Index has increased from On average since , it has increased by Over the last 12 months, the Venezuelan Stock Exchange Index has increased In fact, it has tripled over the past few months from a level of only 3, Despite the Venezuelan Stock Exchange Index rising by a total of 39, Gold vs Stocks During Hyperinflation.

Gold vs Stocks During Hyperinflation Hyperinflation in Venezuela has been spiraling out of control as reports are beginning to surface that the government has given secret permission to Ford to begin selling vehicles in the country for US Dollars.

what happens to stock market in hyperinflation

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