C traceoutputoptions app config

By: pavel0207 Date of post: 27.06.2017

In the previous posting we introduced the new. This posting builds on that information to look at more advanced usage and configuration. You should read the previous posting before embarking on this one. The code used to Trace is very simple: TraceEvent Traces the information you pass to it; TraceData simply calls ToString on the objects that are passed to it and then calls TraceEvent.

It really is that simple!

c# - Turning tracing off via belucydyret.web.fc2.com - Stack Overflow

There are 6 options for the additional information that can be traced again, available on MSDN:. These options are added to the Trace output through the traceOutputOptions attribute of the Listener, as shown below. We are going to look at the XmlWriterTraceListener in more detail below but the following shows the XML that is generated with the ApplicationData element containing the LogicalOperationStack and Callstack elements.

There are also several additional Listeners that can be configured to run in the Trace framework. In the previous posting we looked at two Trace Listeners that record information in the Console and Event Log. We discussed how these Listeners can be run concurrently so that the same Trace can be output to multiple Listeners simultaneously. We looked at how we can control which Listeners record information for different severity levels.

Once the code has been instrumented with Trace calls, we have complete control over where the Trace events are recorded through configuring the Listeners. There are several other trace listeners provided by the. NET Framework out of the box. These additional Listeners include this is taken directly from MSDN:.

In addition to the Listeners above, there are community projects that provide extensions and additional Listeners. An example of such community work includes:. The DefaultTraceListener is automatically added to the Listeners collection when application starts.

c traceoutputoptions app config

If you make no configuration changes and simply Trace some events, they will appear in the Visual Studio Output window through this DefaultTraceListener. It is, however, possible to remove the DefaultTraceListener from the collection using the following configuration:. The Listeners for the Trace framework are pluggable so you can also write your own.

This is out of the scope of this posting but in essence you need to create a new class that derives from TraceListener and use the configuration to include this new Listener. The XmlWriterTraceListener is perhaps one of the most powerful out-of-the-box Trace Listeners available in the. It writes Trace events into a configurable file in an XML format but more importantly there is a supporting client application called the Microsoft Service Trace Viewer which was actually introduced with WCF.

If we open the previous XML output from the C: Our Error message is highlighted in red and the details of the event are decomposed into discrete sections in the UI. In this posting we have looked at some of the advanced configuration techniques and Trace Listeners provided by the. NET Trace framework and the different TraceListeners provided out-of-the-box. We have also looked at how we can use the XmlWriterTraceListener and the Microsoft Service Trace Viewer to view detailed Trace events.

How we can instrument our code to propagate information across process and machine boundaries and use the XmlWriterTraceListener and the Microsoft Service Trace Viewer to view end-to-end activity. How to pass ActivityIds to ASP. A couple of helper classes that will prove useful when using the Trace framework.

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Nerdy PocketNerd's Technical Jumbo Mumbo! Main menu Skip to content. Configuration Revisited The code used to Trace is very simple: There are, however, more advanced options for enhancing the Trace output through configuration. There are 6 options for the additional information that can be traced again, available on MSDN: Callstack — Write the call stack, which is represented by the return value of the Environment.

C# Traceoutputoptions belucydyret.web.fc2.com

DateTime — Write the date and time. LogicalOperationStack — Write the logical operation stack, which is represented by the return value of the CorrelationManager.

ProcessId — Write the process identity, which is represented by the return value of the Process. ThreadId — Write the thread identity, which is represented by the return value of the Thread. ManagedThreadId property for the current thread.

Timestamp — Write the timestamp, which is represented by the return value of the GetTimeStamp method. Error, 1, "An error occurred contacting the database 'An Exception An error occurred contacting the database 'An Exception GetStackTrace Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo at System.

WriteFooter TraceEventCache eventCache at System. TraceEvent TraceEventCache eventCache, String source, TraceEventType eventType, Int32 id, String message at System. TraceEvent TraceEventType eventType, Int32 id, String message at ConsoleApplication3. StoreData Object data in C: Main String[] args in C: ExecuteAssembly String assemblyFile, Evidence assemblySecurity, String[] args at Microsoft.

Run ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean ignoreSyncCtx at System. Run ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state at System.

These additional Listeners include this is taken directly from MSDN: A TextWriterTraceListener redirects output to an instance of the TextWriter class or to anything that is a Stream class. It can also write to the console or to a file, because these are Stream classes.

A FileLogTraceListener provides a simple listener that directs logging output to file. An EventLogTraceListener redirects output to an event log. An EventProviderTraceListener redirects output to the Event Tracing for Windows ETW framework.

Click for more information on ETW Tracing. A DefaultTraceListener emits Write and WriteLine messages to the OutputDebugString and to the Debugger. In Visual Studio, this causes the debugging messages to appear in the Output window.

Fail and failed Assert messages also emit to the OutputDebugString Windows API and the Debugger. Log method, and also cause a message box to be displayed. This behavior is the default behavior for Debug and Trace messages, because DefaultTraceListener is automatically included in every Listeners collection and is the only listener automatically included.

A ConsoleTraceListener directs tracing or debugging output to either the standard output or the standard error stream. A DelimitedListTraceListener directs tracing or debugging output to a text writer, such as a stream writer, or to a stream, such as a file stream.

c traceoutputoptions app config

The trace output is in a delimited text format that uses the delimiter specified by the Delimiter property. The IisTraceListener routes all tracing and debugging output to the IIS 7.

c traceoutputoptions app config

A WebPageTraceListener directs Trace messages to ASP. NET Web page outputs. An XmlWriterTraceListener directs tracing or debugging output as XML-encoded data to a TextWriter or to a Stream , such as a FileStream.

c# - Formatting trace output - Stack Overflow

An example of such community work includes: It is, however, possible to remove the DefaultTraceListener from the collection using the following configuration: XmlWriterTraceListener The XmlWriterTraceListener is perhaps one of the most powerful out-of-the-box Trace Listeners available in the.

In Conclusion In this posting we have looked at some of the advanced configuration techniques and Trace Listeners provided by the. In the following postings we will look at: How we can instrument our code to propagate information across process and machine boundaries and use the XmlWriterTraceListener and the Microsoft Service Trace Viewer to view end-to-end activity How to pass ActivityIds to ASP.

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